High performance coaching, tailored to suit your circumstances and needs across 3 distinct, transformative phases.


For men in the throes of uncertainty and pain, who require a deep knowledge of WHO they are, WHAT they want, and WHY they want it.

  • coaching by mark Jennison

  • community connection

  • access to tools and resources to propel your comeback


For men with strong foundations, who want to establish honor and discipline across every area of their lives.

  • live coaching with mark Jennison

  • additional virtual and in person coaching opportunities

  • Council community and tools


Here reigns the pursuit of ultimate dominion over one’s life–complete mental, physical, and spiritual excellence.

  • live, small group coaching with mark Jennison

  • monthly and quarterly in person coaching at the learning center

  • direct personal access to mark Jennison


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The Comeback COUNCIL

For men in the throes of uncertainty and pain, who require a deep knowledge of WHO they are, WHAT they want, and WHY they want it.

  • weekly coaching calls by mark jennison

  • community connection

  • access to tools and resources to propel your comeback

  • IAMCOMEBACK Team support

The Comeback Council is the starting point for many men on their journey with IAMACOMEBACK.

In this group, men unite with a singular focus: to answer three critical questions that shape their futures

—'Who am I?', 'What do I want?', and 'Why do I want it?' These questions are foundational in defining a man's path forward.

With guidance from Mark Jennison, The Comeback Council provides a space for men to take back control and steer their lives towards their own visions of success.

Joining The Comeback Council equips you with the necessary tools not just to 'try to quit' but to transform into the person you were always meant to be.

it's time to stop F*cking lying

The Alliance

For men with strong foundations, who want to establish honor and discipline across every area of their lives.

  • live coaching with mark Jennison

  • additional virtual and in person coaching opportunities

  • Council community and tools

The Alliance is an advanced extension of the Comeback Council, designed for men who are ready to dive deeper into their transformation journey with IAMACOMEBACK. Within The Alliance, members receive live coaching directly from Mark Jennison, alongside additional opportunities for both virtual and in-person coaching sessions.

This group focuses intensely on the Core Four areas essential to personal and professional success: Faith, Finances, Family, and Fitness. The Alliance is designed to offer more targeted, personal guidance and support, helping members to solidify their commitments in these key domains.

By joining The Alliance, men are positioned to not only continue their growth but to accelerate it, leveraging specialized resources and deeper community connections to fully embody the changes they wish to see in their lives.

Become the man you were meant to be

The Kings

Here reigns the pursuit of ultimate dominion over one’s life–complete mental, physical, and spiritual excellence.

  • live, small group coaching with mark Jennison

  • monthly and quarterly in person coaching at the learning center

  • direct personal access to mark Jennison

The Kings is the pinnacle group within the IAMACOMEBACK community, designed for those who are ready to reach the utmost heights of personal and professional achievement. This exclusive group is reserved only for men who are truly ready to commit to their transformation and will accept nothing less than absolute excellence for themselves and their legacies.

As a King you will work in small, private groups directly with Mark Jennison, focusing intensively on the core pillars of your life and business. This invite only group allows for deeply personalized coaching and mentorship, directly addressing the unique challenges and aspirations of each member.

Membership in The Kings represents a commitment to not just being a leader in one's own life but also driving forward the success of one's business endeavors. It's here that men truly embody what it means to be a Comeback, turning personal visions into tangible successes and setting new standards in every area of their lives.


IAMACOMEBACK is a community and movement that thrives on merit, and we proudly stand by that. Experience has shown us that individuals deeply committed to personal and professional growth benefit the most from our approach. Often, those content with a typical 9-5 mindset may not fully embrace the rigorous self-investment our program demands. We aim to cultivate a dynamic environment where each member propels others toward greatness.

IAMACOMEBACK is specifically designed for business owners, entrepreneurs, high-performing professionals, and self-starters who are ready to commit to this transformative journey. If you don’t see yourself in these categories, our program might not be the right fit for you..


The COMEBACK METHOD systematically attacks and undermines the root causes of your habits, not the habits themselves. This is how, time and again, we’ve delivered change that lasts in as little as 45 days or less. There is no magic formula for real growth. But this is as close as it gets.

Frequently Asked Question's


IAMACOMEBACK is a specialized coaching service tailored for high-achieving men, such as businessmen, entrepreneurs, and executives, aiming to empower them to overcome poor choices and regain control over their lives.

Comeback's focus on personal empowerment and structured support, helping each other to not only address issues related to alcohol use but also to improve decision-making skills, enhance personal and professional relationships, and achieve overall life success.

Through a mix of strategic guidance, accountability, and community support, IAMACOMEBACK provides the tools necessary for sustained personal growth and better life management.

How does the "Comeback Method" work?

The "Comeback Method" used by IAMACOMEBACK is all about helping men get their lives back on track by changing how they think about alcohol. It's not just about stopping drinking but building a life that's so good you don't feel like you need alcohol to cope. Here's how it works:

  • Faith: Getting in touch with what you really believe in, which can guide you in making better choices.

  • Finances: Getting your money matters sorted so financial stress doesn’t drive you to drink.

  • Family: Improving relationships with family members, which can be your biggest support system.

  • Fitness: Keeping fit helps you feel good physically and mentally, making you less likely to turn to alcohol.

  • Future: Setting goals and planning ahead so you're excited about what's coming next.

  • Freedom: Breaking free from past mistakes and not letting them control your future.

  • Foundation: Building a solid base for your life that supports all the other areas.

Our approach helps men not just cut down on drinking but also improve every part of their lives, making them feel stronger and more fulfilled without needing alcohol or any other form of coping mechanism to solve life's biggest questions "What do I want?"

Who is "IAmAComeback" for?

IAMACOMEBACK is specifically designed for high-performing men who excel in their professional lives but face challenges with alcohol and other forms of coping dependencies. We understands that people like CEOs, business executives, lawyers, doctors, and entrepreneurs not only demand excellence from themselves in their careers but also in every aspect of their personal development. Our Clients often have tight schedules and high pressure environments, which requires a recovery solution that fits seamlessly into their busy lives and upholds their high standards.

IAMACOMEBACK's approach is both proactive and empowering, focusing on turning adversity into strength and making strategic life improvements rather than just overcoming alcohol dependency. By addressing core aspects such as personal accountability, career sustainability, family relationships, and physical health, IAMACOMEBACK helps these professionals create a life balance that promotes well-being and reduces the likelihood of relying on alcohol, food or other poor personal choices as a stress reliever.

  • Personal Accountability: The program emphasizes taking full responsibility for one’s actions and decisions, reinforcing the importance of self-control and discipline, which are critical traits for any successful individual.

  • Career Sustainability: For high-achievers, their careers are often a significant part of their identity. IAMACOMEBACK helps them develop strategies to manage stress and workload in healthier ways, ensuring their professional life doesn't drive them towards unhealthy habits.

  • Family Relationships: Strong personal relationships are crucial for emotional support. The program provides tools to improve communication and strengthen bonds with family, which can be a protective factor against stress and loneliness.

  • Physical Health: Physical fitness is another focus area, promoting not just the physical benefits of exercise, but also its effectiveness in reducing stress and improving mood.

    Each aspect of the program is tailored to fit into the demanding lives of high achievers, ensuring they can maintain their commitments while participating in recovery. The goal is to build a fulfilling life that naturally reduces the need for alcohol, aligning with their high standards and dynamic lifestyles.

What can I expect when I join the program?

IAMACOMEBACK offers a lot more than just a way to cut back on drinking. Here’s what you get when you join:

  • The Right Kind of Men, Men Like You: You’ll meet other high-achievers who know what it’s like to juggle a demanding job with personal issues. This community is all about support, sharing tips, and keeping each other motivated.

  • The Level of Coaching That You Need: Our team will work with you one-on-one to figure out what level of coaching you need to solve your particular problem.

  • A Clear Plan: A step-by-step approach that helps you understand why you drink and make the poor choices you have in your life, and what to do about it. We break everything down so it’s manageable and not overwhelming.

  • Practical Tools: You’ll learn real-life strategies for dealing with stress, making smarter choices, and staying healthy. These tools are meant to help you cut down on drinking and also improve your overall life.

  • Boost Your Work Game: Together, we help you sharpen your focus, make better decisions, and boost your productivity at work. This way, you’re not just getting better at handling the pressures of life; you’re also becoming better at your job.

  • Better Relationships: The program also helps you improve how you connect with your family and friends. You’ll work on your communication skills and learn how to strengthen these relationships, which can take a hit when you’re struggling with alcohol.

IAMACOMEBACK is designed to fit right into your busy life, helping you make meaningful changes without flipping your world upside down. It’s about more than just drinking less; it’s about building a better, more balanced life.

Is IAmAComeback confidential?

IAMACOMEBACK ensures complete confidentiality for all it's Clients. Understanding the need for privacy, especially for high-profile individuals, we deliver discreet support and coaching. This helps clients overcome their challenges without compromising their professional or personal reputation.

*Disclaimer: The services provided by IAMACOMEBACK LLC are not a substitute for clinical treatment, rehabilitation, or the advice of licensed professionals such as psychologists, counselors, doctors, physicians, or nurses. Our methods are not intended to replace professional medical or psychological treatment. If you require such services, please consult a qualified professional.

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Contact Us

(262) 383-4889

Please note that the results achieved by IAMACOMEBACK LLC and our clients are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve similar results. Success in our programs depends on numerous factors, including your background, dedication, desire, and motivation. Every client’s success is defined individually, and success does not necessarily mean achieving sobriety.

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that IAMACOMEBACK LLC is not liable for your results or any losses incurred from applying the material provided.

If you are not willing to accept these terms, we ask that you do not use our services.