For Businessmen And Executives Who Want To Gain Control Of Their Drinking… Read Carefully




The Ultimate Guide For Businessmen, Executives and Entrepreneurs Who Want To Gain Control Of Their Drinking

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This Is Not Just A Book. 

This Is Your Comeback.

For businessmen, executives and entrepreneurs who have everything handled except this one area of life...

This is for you.

This is for you.

I don’t know what your relationship with drinking is and I don’t know your story.

Maybe you drink socially at holiday parties, on Friday nights out with the boys, or at family gatherings.

Maybe you drink to numb the painYou drink because you don’t want to feel... pain.

Maybe you drink out of habit, you picked it up from somewhere (work, your upbringing,

your friends) and now you don’t know how to stop.

Or maybe you’re like me back then, you think drinking actually makes you better.

I don’t know your story. But here’s what I do know…

You Want More

You want to hit the next level.

You want to be a better husband for your wife, a better father for your kids, a better leader for your community, a better man overall.

You’re not satisfied with where you are and you know there’s more to life than just this.

That’s not a bad thing... 

Hell, it’s why you’ve been able to succeed in your life so far. It’s because you’re not satisfied with being just good enough.

But… there’s one thing you haven’t been able to control.

Your drinking.

On the surface, it looks like everything is fine. You might even be able to fool people around you. 

But deep inside… you know.

You know that this is one area you struggle with.

And you know by getting your drinking handled, you’ll unlock every other area of your life.

Let me show you the way.

Hi, I’m Mark Jennison.

Most men who work with me call me their “best kept secret”.

Elite men - Business Owners, CEOs, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, leaders - come to me when they need help getting a hold of their drinking.

They come to me because they know conventional methods are not for them. 

They come to me because they know it’s all confidential. 

And most importantly…

They come to me because they know what I do works.

But the person you see here today is NOT the same person just a few years ago.

I’ve battled drug and alcohol addiction for 21 years.

Mom and dad divorced when I was 14. Dad took my brother away, Mom was absent, and

I was left on my own to figure it out.

My way of “figuring it out” was alcohol and drugs.

At first it was fine, I thought it made me better

I could drink more, party more, pick up more girls, I thought I was “the man”.

From 2007 - 2013, I built up a trucking company up to 75 million net revenue… then lost it all.

Then I built up another multi-million dollar company… then lost it all again.

Every time I would do real good, then fall back.

In total, I’ve had...

7 Major Relapses.

Each major relapse was marked with a significant event...

Lost my job, lost my marriage, lost my business, lost my son.

I’m not counting the minor ones...

You know, when you tell yourself every weekend that... 

“this is my last weekend, come Monday I’m gonna do 30 days”.

I don’t know how many times I’ve said that to myself and blew it.

You might be feeling the same way right now.

Every time you would do real good and then fall right back.

I’ve made it to 6 months, 7 months, 9 months… never quite hitting the 1 year mark.

I’ve tried going to meetings and going support groups. They didn’t work for me. 

It always ended up being just a temporary hiatus that always led back to a relapse.

Nothing really changed until I discovered one truth...

You Are Not An Alcoholic

Some people will say that you are a victim, that you’re not “admitting to a higher power”.

They believe to gain your power back, you have to admit you are powerless.

That doesn’t sit right with me. Because the Truth is...

You are NOT an alcoholic. And you DON'T have a disease.

You don’t choose to get sick, but you do choose to drink.

It’s a conscious choice you make and continue to make until it takes control of your life.

To control it, once you understand why you drink in the first place, then you’ll have true power to stop it (if you choose to).

I want to show you the tools and tactics that have helped not only me, but thousands of men gain control of their drinking.

To date, the information you’re about to receive has helped...

Over 10,000 Men Gain Control Of Their Drinking

Inside our more intensive program that focuses on the same principles as the book… we’ve achieved a 97.3% success rate for our clients.

And that’s what I want to help you achieve as well.

Inside The Book... 

Here’s What You’ll Uncover

  • The skill of “3 D’s” and how it’ll help you gain back control of your drinking (p. 13)
  • The only three words that will matter - “Stop F*cking Lying” - and how these three simple words fueled growth and transformation for thousands of men (p. 26)
  • The “4 C’s” and the journey every man must take to break free of their compulsive drinking-cycle (p. 63)
  • The “Comeback 7” core principles that you’ll come back to over and over again to help you fulfill your purpose as a father, husband, an entrepreneur, and as a man (p. 76)
  • Could three simple questions be the key to long-lasting sobriety? Here’s what to ask yourself to gain true freedom (p. 45)
  • Plus multiple success stories from men who turned their struggle with alcohol into strength

NEW BONUS! Get The Audiobook For FREE

I went into the studio and did a full reading of the book - but I didn’t do it word-for-word like other boring audiobooks.

In the audiobook, I let loose on stories I’ve never told before. I added on new exercises and disruptive questions that will shake you out of your mind fog. I’ve made sure that you will FEEL a new surge of energy to renew your life.

These stories and exercises are not included in the physical book because we needed to keep it compact. But I still wanted you to get it...

So that means you’re going to hear more stories of men who were in your shoes not long ago...

And how they succeeded with the “Comeback Method”.

All for no extra cost - it’s included when you order a copy of the book.

Now Here’s Your Choice

Remember, I’m covering the cost of print and production. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs ($9.95 anywhere in the US, $19.95 International).

And don’t worry, your information will remain confidential.

There is no catch either, there won’t be a random extra charge on your card for something you’ve never heard of.

All that will happen is you’ll get the book shipped to your door.

And why am I giving this book out for free?  

It’s simple.

I could be making money doing any other business.  And I have.

For me, I made a decision to change lives and that’s what I’m going to do.

Before, the only way you could get help from me was through my private programs where you get help directly from me.

I can only take on so many people at once, so I’ve had to turn away hundreds of good men and had no way to give them anything else.

I didn’t want to turn away people who were asking for help anymore, so this is my answer.

Most men who get this book won’t take it seriously and it will just end up collecting dust on their shelf.

But if even 1 out of 100 men reads this book and is better because of it… then I’ve done my job.

Is There A Guarantee?

A standard tactic marketers use is to give you something like a 30-day money back guarantee.

But let’s be frank here...

If you need a guarantee on a few bucks worth of shipping… you’re not ready for this.

A guarantee is used to reduce risk. But let me ask you a question, which one sounds more risky to you?

Investing a few bucks on a potentially life-changing book…

Or staying exactly where you are and never becoming the man you know you could be?

There won’t be a guarantee on this book. The methods taught in this book only work if YOU work.

For men ready to make that choice, click the button below to get your free copy.

Mark Jennison

P.S. In case you’re one of those people that scroll all the way to the bottom, here’s the deal...

I'm mailing you a 101-page book, "It’s Not A Disease. It’s A Choice" (that retails at $29.95 on Amazon) for free.

Yes, this book is free, and all you gotta do is cover shipping ($9.95 anywhere in the US, $19.95 International).

No catch - no hidden charges. Just the book straight to you.

Use the button below to get yours.


772 W Main St #204

Lake Geneva WI 53147

[email protected]

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Disclaimer: We are not a substitute for clinical or licensed treatment centers, rehab, psychologists, counselors, doctors, physicians or nurses. If you feel like you need those types of services please see a qualified professional.

Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Success is hard. We coached every one of our clients through fear, overwhelm, and challenges to find success. You're different, therefore your results will vary and depend on many factors … including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.

FAST ACTION Video Guide - Get Control NOW!

I know some of you might be on the end of a hangover (some of you might be drunk right now).

So I know you need some help and leadership NOW!

That's why I created this training to help you gain control of alcohol in the next few days. This is designed to snap you immediately out of your negative loop.

So while you wait for the book to ship and arrive, you can get started with this video training - and you won't have to go back to the booze.

You'll get all of this for only $27 on top, and it'll be delivered immediately upon purchase.