For Heavy and Binge Drinkers That Want To Stop

97.2% Success Rate. 9,467+ Men Helped



plural Comebacks

A person who uses their power to persevere through life's challenges and come back stronger than ever to get everything they want out of life

The Truth Behind Mainstream Recovery Methods And Why You’ve Really Failed To Give Up Drinking

AA, rehab, therapy, ‘white-knuckling’ it… have you tried everything to quit drinking without success? So did I. The truth is these methods aren’t for everyone – and they’re certainly not for high-achieving men like you and me. Millions of people fail with this approach because total abstinence is NOT the answer. The key to regaining control is to look at the reason you choose to drink – rather than the drink itself.

Every drink has a reason behind it… Whether it’s to numb your pain, be more fun at parties or relax after a sh*t day. IAMACOMEBACK fixes these issues at the core – so you can get back in the driver’s seat and regain total control over alcohol.

Why This Is The Only Program Of Its Kind…. And Why It Has Transformed The Lives Of Thousands Of Men

The secret to IAMACOMEBACK is that it teaches men how to control their drinking – rather than the unrealistic strategy of never touching the bottle again. We don’t focus on weaknesses or failures…we focus on strengths and ways to expand our lives. Rather than trying to escape problems through the bottle… you will march towards true potential for a life full of success and happiness.

Make no mistake about it – this program WORKS. We’ve helped thousands of powerful men… including CEOs, doctors, lawyers, 7-figure entrepreneurs and world leaders… men who had tried literally EVERYTHING else with no success… to finally overcome their dependence on alcohol and live the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Everything You Think You Know About Alcohol Is Complete BS…

We’re NOT like conventional approaches to recovery. We’re not saying they don’t work for some people, because they do. But if you’ve tried them all and still failed to give up drinking

IAMACOMEBACK could be EXACTLY what you’re looking for. We believe:

1. You are NOT powerless

This program isn’t for people who want to sit around and feel sorry for themselves. There are no victims here and no depressing sob stories. We do share our struggles and work through overcoming them together – but we don’t dwell on the struggles or use them as excuses. We instead focus on strength and empowerment that gives you the ability to say no to alcohol.

2. You do NOT have a disease

We don’t view drinking as something you’ve inherited from your parents or grandparents. You’re not sick. You don’t have a disease. You choose to drink… you just have to work out why, then fix the issue. We focus on the 7 key areas of your life that fuel your decisions to drink – and help you get back on track in each one so you can live a happy, healthy and successful life.

3. Alcohol is not the problem, it’s the solution to another problem

Alcohol isn’t the real problem – it’s your solution to the real problem. You use it as an antidote. Whether that’s to numb the pain… to inflate low self-esteem… to be more fun at parties… or to feel alive… Alcohol is a way to cope with what’s wrong in your life. Once you solve the REAL issues that cause you to drink, you’ll no longer need the medicine – so you can throw away the bottle.

4. You DON’T have to quit forever

Never having a drink again for the rest of your life… is that the answer? Is it even possible? We don’t focus on giving up alcohol completely. Instead, we focus on the reasons behind your addiction – once you’ve fixed these, you’ll have total control over your decision to drink. It’s then up to YOU whether you never drink again… or have a quiet beer with dinner when you choose to.

5. Your greatest gift is the power to choose

Never let anyone tell you that you don’t have a choice – because you do. In fact, it’s your greatest power… your greatest gift… it’s something alcohol can NEVER take away from you. If you CHOOSE to stand up and take control, you CAN. After all, you’re the one who picks up the bottle in the first place. You’re the one who goes back for that 10th or 11th drink. And you’re definitely the one (the ONLY one) who can stand up and break the cycle… so do it NOW!

9,467+ Powerful, Elite-Minded Men Are Raving About The Program That’s Helped Them Regain Control And Win Back Their Families, Friends And Self-Respect

1. You are NOT powerless

This program isn’t for people who want to sit around and feel sorry for themselves. There are no victims here and no depressing sob stories. We do share our struggles and work through overcoming them together – but we don’t dwell on the struggles or use them as excuses. We instead focus on strength and empowerment that gives you the ability to say no to alcohol.

2. You do NOT have a disease

We don’t view drinking as something you’ve inherited from your parents or grandparents. You’re not sick. You don’t have a disease. You choose to drink… you just have to work out why, then fix the issue. We focus on the 7 key areas of your life that fuel your decisions to drink – and help you get back on track in each one so you can live a happy, healthy and successful life.

3. Alcohol is not the problem, it’s the solution to another problem

Alcohol isn’t the real problem – it’s your solution to the real problem. You use it as an antidote. Whether that’s to numb the pain… to inflate low self-esteem… to be more fun at parties… or to feel alive… Alcohol is a way to cope with what’s wrong in your life. Once you solve the REAL issues that cause you to drink, you’ll no longer need the medicine – so you can throw away the bottle.

4. You DON’T have to quit forever

Never having a drink again for the rest of your life… is that the answer? Is it even possible? We don’t focus on giving up alcohol completely. Instead, we focus on the reasons behind your addiction – once you’ve fixed these, you’ll have total control over your decision to drink. It’s then up to YOU whether you never drink again… or have a quiet beer with dinner when you choose to.

5. Your greatest gift is the power to choose

Never let anyone tell you that you don’t have a choice – because you do. In fact, it’s your greatest power… your greatest gift… it’s something alcohol can NEVER take away from you. If you CHOOSE to stand up and take control, you CAN. After all, you’re the one who picks up the bottle in the first place. You’re the one who goes back for that 10th or 11th drink. And you’re definitely the one (the ONLY one) who can stand up and break the cycle… so do it NOW!

What To Expect When You Join IAMACOMEBACK

We understand the journey is tough – that’s why you won’t have to go it alone. When you join IAMACOMEBACK, you’ll become part of a brotherhood of like-minded, powerful men who have the drive and ambition to become the best versions of themselves they can be.

You’ll have ongoing support and dedication of other men who have been through it all. Men who’ve battled the beast for 10+ years… men who used to drink 20+ beers a day… men who lost their marriage, their career and their self-respect. They know what it REALLY takes to beat the bottle – and they can help you do it too.

Men Who Join IAMACOMEBACK Regain Control Over Their Drinking

Have you tried every possible approach out there and still failed to give up drinking? AA, rehab, therapy, even cold turkey and ‘whiteknuckling’ it? You’re not alone. MILLIONS of people have sat where you are now, having tried everything they could to give up drinking without success.

The revolutionary IAMACOMEBACK movement is turning the recovery industry on its head and changing the lives of thousands of powerful American men. It works for 9 out of 10 men who try it… men who have regained control over their drinking and won back their families, their careers and their lives… and it can do the same for YOU.

You’ll have ongoing support and dedication of other men who have been through it all. Men who’ve battled the beast for 10+ years… men who used to drink 20+ beers a day… men who lost their marriage, their career and their self-respect. They know what it REALLY takes to beat the bottle – and they can help you do it too.

Who Is The Revolutionary IAMACOMEBACK Program For?

  • Are you a driven high achiever – a CEO, business executive, lawyer, doctor or entrepreneur?

  • Are you a ‘Type A’ personality who HATES failure… and wants to win every single day of your life?

  • Do you drink before bed as a way to relax and fall asleep… Because nothing else works to “take the edge off”?

  • Do you often drink alone… and lie to your family or friends about how many drinks you’ve had?

  • Do you have one or more secret stashes of alcohol… whether that’s around the house, in your car or at your workplace?

  • Do you need a drink to calm down after a fight with your partner or tough day at work?

  • Do you find any excuse to have a drink… even if it’s a small, insignificant event like a mid-week dinner with friends or your sports team winning?

  • Do you ever drink on the job… or have trouble performing at work because you’re either hungover or under the influence of alcohol?

  • Do you feel like you can’t go out and have a good night without alcohol… because life isn’t “fun” when you’re not drinking?

  • Are your children starting to lose trust in you… or not want to spend as much time with you because you’re always drinking?

  • Is your relationship falling apart at the seams because your partner is sick to death of your constant drinking?

  • Have you tried EVERYTHING you could think of to give up alcohol… only to have that inevitable relapse and spiral back out of control?

  • Do you find conventional recovery methods such as AA, rehab and counseling NEVER work for you… and hate the fact they treat you like a ‘victim’?

  • Are you finally ready to stop lying to yourself, your family and your friends and put in the hard work to regain control over alcohol forever?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then IAMACOMEBACK is EXACTLY what you’ve been searching for.

The TRUTH About Conventional Recovery Methods And Why Millions Of People Fail

Do you wonder why conventional methods to give up drinking haven’t worked for you as a powerful man? The key is to look at why you drink so often.

Every drink has a reason behind it… whether it’s to numb your pain, be more fun at parties or relax after a tough day. IAMACOMEBACK focuses on those reasons and fixes them. We don’t treat you like a victim… we treat you like the powerful man you are. With our support, you’ll finally wrestle back control over alcohol and get your life back on track – forever.

Our 100% Confidentiality Guarantee

We understand taking that first leap of faith can be difficult. That’s why we don’t ask, and we don’t tell. You can be whoever you want to be, and show up however you want – as long as you’re here to solve the problem, and are willing to put in the work. Fake name, vague details, camera off – whatever is needed to begin and succeed in the journey, we’ll support you.

At NO point will confidential details be shared outside IAMACOMEBACK – insurance companies, third parties, workplaces or family – it’s YOUR business to share the journey with who you choose, not ours.

Make The CHOICE To Change Your Life… Book Your Free Breakthrough Call Now

You DO have a choice. If you’re ready to make the right one… to finally regain control over your drinking… to win back your family, friends and any relationships you’ve broken along the way… to stop f***ing lying to yourself and hiding from your problem…

Then book in a free no-obligation, fully-confidential breakthrough call with a member of the comeback council now – someone who has been in your shoes before and conquered the beast. Regardless of whether this program is the right fit, we guarantee that at the end of the 30 minutes, you’ll be better off than when we found you.

Here’s Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Discover Being A Part Of IAMACOMEBACK

  • The ultra-powerful, game-changing strategy that helps of men overcome their dependence on alcohol and finally reclaim control of their lives

  • Why everything you think you know about alcohol is WRONG and the real secret to beating the bottle for good! Hint: it has NOTHING to do with abstinence

  • How to STOP LYING, tackle the problem head on and kick drinking forever… and finally look in the mirror every single day and see a man you’re PROUD OF staring back

  • The proven method to PERMANENTLY skyrocket confidence and self-esteem – never having to rely on alcohol for ‘Dutch courage’ that slips away the second alcohol leaves

  • How to obtain that perfect balance between business, family and social life to feel fulfilled at the end of every day WITHOUT having to touch a drink

  • The 7 pillars to success when battling alcohol and why these foundations can help men gain control AND create a life without the beast.

  • How to FINALLY kick the relapse cycle for good even if you’ve tried literally everything else – never again count the days, weeks or months since the bottle left again because it’s now in control

  • Simple strategies to overcome ALL obstacles along the way to stay on the path to a healthier, happier and more successful life

  • PROVEN methods to have Zen-like control over drinking urges to now laugh in the face of temptation… even when it’s at the end-of-year work party and they have an open bar!

  • How to FINALLY take back control and have everyone begging for the secret ‘how did they turn it around?!’


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*Disclaimer: The services provided by IAMACOMEBACK LLC are not a substitute for clinical treatment, rehabilitation, or the advice of licensed professionals such as psychologists, counselors, doctors, physicians, or nurses. Our methods are not intended to replace professional medical or psychological treatment. If you require such services, please consult a qualified professional.

Please note that the results achieved by IAMACOMEBACK LLC and our clients are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve similar results. Success in our programs depends on numerous factors, including your background, dedication, desire, and motivation. Every client’s success is defined individually, and success does not necessarily mean achieving sobriety.

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that IAMACOMEBACK LLC is not liable for your results or any losses incurred from applying the material provided.

If you are not willing to accept these terms, we ask that you do not use our services.